Social Recruiting of Top Talent
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
onto Social Recruiting of Top Talent
April 7, 2013 2:44 PM!

Why Your Company Should Create a Talent Community

Why Your Company Should Create a Talent Community | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
If businesses want to succeed, they have to create relationships first. Here are five steps for creating a talent community for your company.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

A very good article on the concept of creating talent pools. I used to call this  Just-in-time recruiting. How do you identify, nurture, skim the cream of the crop, engage with future potential employees around specific roles like customer service or operations.

Very few companies are willing to be proactive in creating the infrastructure, training, and ask hiring managers to invest a miniscule portion of their time in traditional networking tactics.

Most companies are stuck in the quadrant of "it's urgent-it's important", the classic reactive firefight. If all your doing is being reactive - you'll never move beyond the "let's just get a warm body in that open chair" because "a warm body is better than nobody".

This article lays out some basic ideas of starting to create talent pools for better finding/sourcing of great potential employees.

What's holding you back?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent


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Social Recruiting of Top Talent
Social media tools and sites have created an environment where any company can quickly, easily, and inexpensively engage with top talent at every level. Learn the best practices of how to start using social media in addition to your boring non-effective job boards to attract great talent.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 4, 2022 11:20 PM!

9 Simple Yet Effective Social Media Recruiting Tactics

9 Simple Yet Effective Social Media Recruiting Tactics | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
Are you trying to take your recruiting game to the next level? Click here to discover 9 social media recruiting tactics that can help you attract top talent.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Recruiting through social media should be a core element in your toolkit to find great talent. Here are some ideas to kick-start or refresh that process.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 7, 2017 12:27 PM!

The 3 Mistakes We See Recruiters Making on Twitter

The 3 Mistakes We See Recruiters Making on Twitter | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
The 3 Mistakes We See Recruiters Making on Twitter
Barry Deutsch's insight:

A few key tactics to leverage using Twitter as a recruiting tool. Good recommendations - but high time investment to find profiles to follow, comment on tweets, and post original content. This might fall into the area of large recruiting teams - I also think it captures the segment of the market actively looking for a job - and it focuses on a younger segment of the market.


My experience of using Twitter as a recruiting tool for executives is that it's basically worthless. However, if you're recruiting a sales rep with 1-2 years post college, it might be a good tactic if you can afford the investment of time.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 1, 2017 4:35 PM!

8 Mistakes That Make Good Employees Leave

Few things are as costly and disruptive as good people walking out the door. Here's how to make it stop.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The number TWO reason people leave jobs is because of their boss (jerk, doesn't develop them, mercurial, weak, plays favorites, ineffective, no backbone, poor management skills - the list is long).


Do you have weak managers on your team that cannot attract and retain outstanding employees? What's your immediate written plan to deal with it?


#employeeengagement #retaintoptalent #hiretoptalent

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 6, 2013 7:17 PM!

Traditional Job Descriptions Don’t Attract Top Talent

Traditional Job Descriptions Don’t Attract Top Talent | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
Over the last 20 plus years of recruiting, we have reviewed hundreds of job descriptions from a wide variety of companies and for a...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

My partner, Brad Remillard, posted a blog post on our Hire and Retain Top Talent blog, making the bold statement:

Traditional Job Descriptions DON'T Attract Top Talent

I'll go so far to suggest that when a top caliber candidate sees your job description masquerading as an advertisement on a job board, they are disgusted, turned off, and under-whelmed by your company's attempt to recruit.

They take their hand and put it down. You never get to see these candidates.

When will you dramatically improve your process of bringing great candidates to your doorstep by using more compelling advertising than the traditional job description which only brings the bottom third of the candidate pool forward most of the time.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent


Do you have a FREE Copy of our best selling e-book on how to hire and retain top talent?


Learn how your success depends on the quality of the team you build and keep by joining us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group on hiring and retaining top talent

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 7, 2013 2:44 PM!

Why Your Company Should Create a Talent Community

Why Your Company Should Create a Talent Community | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
If businesses want to succeed, they have to create relationships first. Here are five steps for creating a talent community for your company.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

A very good article on the concept of creating talent pools. I used to call this  Just-in-time recruiting. How do you identify, nurture, skim the cream of the crop, engage with future potential employees around specific roles like customer service or operations.

Very few companies are willing to be proactive in creating the infrastructure, training, and ask hiring managers to invest a miniscule portion of their time in traditional networking tactics.

Most companies are stuck in the quadrant of "it's urgent-it's important", the classic reactive firefight. If all your doing is being reactive - you'll never move beyond the "let's just get a warm body in that open chair" because "a warm body is better than nobody".

This article lays out some basic ideas of starting to create talent pools for better finding/sourcing of great potential employees.

What's holding you back?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent


Do you have a FREE Copy of our best selling e-book on how to hire and retain top talent?


Learn how your success depends on the quality of the team you build and keep by joining us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group on hiring and retaining top talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 30, 2013 12:12 PM!

Sourcing is Dead - Proclamation from Dr. John Sullivan

Barry Deutsch's insight:

In an article published on Feb 4th, Dr. Sullivan, one of the most respected voices in the recruitment world, proclaimed that the cottage industry around sourcing/finding candidates was dead or in the process of dying. The article generated a storm of controversy.

I agree with him - as it relates to common low-level roles where there are an abundance of candidates: engineers, field techs, clerical, customer service reps, accountants, front line sales professionals.

However, when the process of recruiting is at a higher level and the talent pool is small, recruiters must step in and market the position to convince someone to leave their current job. Just having a job opening and selling someone on the job is not recruiting.

The ability to "consult" with hiring managers and candidates on framing the role, overcoming obstacles, and demonstrating trust is a critical component in recruitment success at higher levels.

The real value-add in recruiting is not in finding candidates (although it's an important part of the process) - it's helping the hiring manager and candidate reach a level of confidence they are making the right decision - this is marketing and consultative selling - it's not about hardcore closing and finding.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent


Do you have a FREE Copy of our best selling e-book on how to hire and retain top talent?


Learn how your success depends on the quality of the team you build and keep by joining us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group on hiring and retaining top talent


Alexandre TE's curator insight, July 10, 2015 4:30 AM

Recruiting is Marketing...Why ?

Very interesting article on sourcing activities

...The real added value of recruitment is to build confidence between hiring manager and the candidates and not sell a job to a candidate. Agree ?

Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 8, 2012 1:01 PM!

Is LinkedIn Nothing More Than Job Board 2.0?

Is LinkedIn Nothing More Than Job Board 2.0? | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |

Jason Alba on his blog raised the question of whether LinkedIn was nothing more than Job Board 2.0 - perhaps picking up a little from where Monster and Careebuilder left off.

Here is the comment I posted on his blog:

Here’s my perspective as a executive recruiter, speaker, author on the subject of hiring, and social networking expert/trainer.

The job board concept of LinkedIn is mistaken. Their job board is no more effective than traditional job boards like Monster or Careerbuilder.

What is powerful is the foundation of their site – networking. It used to be “back in the day” when I was recruiting 25 years ago, 99% of all candidate placements came from a second to third level referral. Rarely would the first person contacted be the person who got the job.

My search work today is 10X more effective because I can leverage interactions and referrals on LinkedIn at scale that was unimaginable a few years ago.

LinkedIn leverages this concept for recruiters, sales professionals, and anyone else attempting to reach someone – connections allowing warm-to-hot referrals instead of cold calls.

Seeing LinkedIn as a job board is a waste of time. Not using LinkedIn as a networking tool is a waste of time.

Here’s where I see LinkedIn evolving:

It’s moving from simply a networking tool for connecting and gaining referrals to content publishing and engaging with your network through groups, status updates, great content, and questions/answers. The better LinkedIn does with this “engagement” and “content marketing” element, the more powerful the tool will become.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent Blog

Do you have a FREE Copy of our best selling e-book on how to hiring and retaining top talent?

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Jill Pineault's curator insight, July 29, 2015 3:12 PM

AND.......The answer "No".  I never thought so although it has Recruiting as one of it's solutions.  It is so much more than a job board and Recruiting has changed.  As a Recruiting Director on the corporate side with a HR Management background, I see Linkedin as a platform for building brand awareness.  Which, is extremely key in attracting talent.  Having the talent come to you  "what a concept".  It takes time and patience but the pay-offs are worth it.

Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 25, 2012 1:45 AM!

Social Media for Recruiting:The Social Recruiting Revolution

Social Media for Recruiting:The Social Recruiting Revolution | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
Social Media for Recruiting and Social Recruiting Revealed: Strategies and step-by-step approaches for those wanting to become effective at social recruiting.
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 2, 2012 9:10 PM!

Misconceptions when Hiring Executive Recruiters (Part 10)

Misconceptions when Hiring Executive Recruiters (Part 10) | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
Epsen Fuller Group believes in finding the best candidates for our clients by rigorous search & assessment practices.

Does this not sound like someone took our material and copied almost verbatim using the same words and phrases. Could this be a copyright violation? How common do you find others "ripping off" your original content and writing? = Barry Deutsch

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 2, 2012 7:06 PM!

How Not to Worry about Keeping Your Top Employees

How Not to Worry about Keeping Your Top Employees | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
“Top talent can more easily compare the 'deal' or pay package they get from their employer with other organizations via social networking sites like, and,” says Tom McMullen, North ..

Only 50% confident in their retention efforts - does that include the 98% of companies that have zero retention programs? Confidence is probably grossly overstated here. In fact, the metric most companies use to measure future retention is a gut feel that if you show up for work - you must like your job.

I also disagree with the comment that the number one issue of why top talent leaves is for pay. I am assuming you are paying a fair market wage for your top talent. If you're off by a factor of 10-15% vs. your competition, then money is the number one issue. If you're paying a fair wage - money sinks to below #10. - Barry Deutsch

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 2, 2012 6:59 PM!

New Data Reveals How To Attract And Retain Your Best Staff - Social-Hire

New Data Reveals How To Attract And Retain Your Best Staff - Social-Hire | Social Recruiting of Top Talent | - Where Great Recruiters Meet Great Candidates (Infographic: How To AttractAnd Retain Your Best Staff

I'm not sure I buy the statement that 2/3s of your staff are looking. However, I did like the infographic in this post - Barry

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 29, 2012 9:36 PM!

How Important Is Social Media To Recruitment | Millionaire Article ...

Social media is here to stay, and most HR professionals have acknowledged this fact with an increased social media segment as a part of their recruitment mix. Using networking sites certainly yields a larger pool of talent, and ...

Unfortunately, most of the techniques companies are using for social media still fall into a variation of advertising and broadcasting. Recruiting top talent requires a high touch approach - which is perfectly suited to social media. Have you broken out of the traditional and tribal approach of broadcasting your job description and passively waiting for a response? - Barry

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 4, 2022 11:17 PM!

How to Find Great Employees

How to Find Great Employees | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
While finding great employees can be harder than expected, there are ways to get a leg up. Learn how is this article.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Are you not finding enogh good people for your open positions. I'll suggest it's time to start thinking like a Marketing Professional attracting customers and clients - same issues for attracting great people - instead of sticking warm butts in chairs like most recruiters. STOP using your boring, mundane, regulatory, back office, disgusting, revolting, and replusive job descriptions masquerading as advertisements. Start thinking like  Shackelton's idea of compelling people to come foreward.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 7, 2017 1:10 AM!

[INFOGRAPHIC] 15 Social Recruiting Tips Proven to Attract the Best Talent

[INFOGRAPHIC] 15 Social Recruiting Tips Proven to Attract the Best Talent | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
Learn how to to make social recruitment part of your hiring strategy. Reach top talent and attract job seekers with these 15 proven tips for social recruiting.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

There are some good tips in this article for social recruiting, including using videos, employer branding, twitter,Instagram, and Facebook. Not one of these will solve your recruiting needs  - taken in combination it can be a powerful toolkit to recruit on social media.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 11, 2013 3:10 PM!

Are Recruiters Too Lazy to Leverage Social Recruiting?

Are Recruiters Too Lazy to Leverage Social Recruiting? | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Celinda makes some excellent points about the laziness of most recruiters - both corporate and 3rd party. I agree with her that most recruiters DO NOT want to work hard to find great talent - they want to fill jobs as quickly, cheaply, and efficiently as possible. These two goals are sometimes mutually exclusive.

Finding great talent requires fishing in deep waters, leveraging referrals and social media to extend your opportunity through the various layers of your network. As Celinda mentions in her article, this takes time, investment, and effort.

One of reasons most executive searches fail, 50% of all hires don't live up to initial expectations, and hiring managers lower their standards is due to laziness in recruiting.

Here's what Celinida had to say in generalizing about the recruiting profession (by the way, I've been an executive recruiter for almost 30 years and the laziness of most recruiters is no different today than it was 30 years ago. The issue is not as much about not effectively leveraging social media - it's about the person doing the recruiting):

"I was recently asked about the fact that Recruiters are not adopting Social Media, even though Forbes proclaimed 2013 as the year of Social Recruiting.  The blogger was curious as to why I thought this was the case… plain and simple Recruiters are lazy.  We are conditioned to want fast and easy to attain results. We want the first call we make to be the hire. We want the interviews to always result in offers. Don’t get me wrong I know other types of Recruiters do exist, but generally speaking most of us are too lazy to use Social for Talent Attraction."

When are you going to fire your external recruiter, replace your internal recruiters, begin fishing in deep waters and start demanding they find great talent instead of focusing on putting "butts in chairs" with the mentality of "better a warm body than nobody in that role?"

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent


Do you have a FREE Copy of our best selling e-book on how to hire and retain top talent?


Learn how your success depends on the quality of the team you build and keep by joining us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group on hiring and retaining top talent

Barry Johnston's curator insight, December 4, 2013 4:42 PM

I was thinking about this yesterday, the recruitment business is about relationships. A digital relationship is never as strong as one in face to face presence. 

Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 6, 2013 6:09 PM!

The real value of your employees using social media - employee referrals

The real value of your employees using social media - employee referrals | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I'm not sure employees should be paid to use social media if you're not a social media company like Hootsuite - however, I do think the Ryan Holmes is onto something special about leveraging social media for recruiting.

Most companies think using social media for recruiting is posting a paid advertisement on LinkedIn's job board. There are hundreds of tactics you can you use to drive referrals for potential employees through social media. Most companies have not begun to try these tactics.

Unfortunately, as the job market starts heating up, the companies who are leveraging social media to find, engage, and attract great talent will find themselves winning the "talent wars" at your expense.

What's your plan to compete in the talent wars by implementing a social media strategy when it comes to filling jobs at your company?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent


Do you have a FREE Copy of our best selling e-book on how to hire and retain top talent?


Learn how your success depends on the quality of the team you build and keep by joining us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group on hiring and retaining top talent

Jill Pineault's curator insight, May 20, 2015 1:51 PM

We need them to help build brand awareness and talk about their experiences working for you company.  They are essential so you need to first get buy in from the top.

Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 31, 2013 6:12 PM!

Is a Candidate's On-line Footprint indicative of anything?

Is a Candidate's On-line Footprint indicative of anything? | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
Companies know they're not hiring a skill set; they're hiring a human. Vizify helps you show your personality and quirks through an online profile.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Many recruiters (and software vendors) are claiming that someone's digital footprint on Twitter, Foursquare, LinkedIn, and Facebook can reveal interesting things about a candidate. I DISAGREE!

The only exception is for those in the on-line world where activity, profiles, and connections indicate their level of understanding, use, and sophistication of using on-line tools.

The problem is that most individuals beyond those in the on-line space are so new to social media tools - that the lack of significant presence is NOT yet a negative. In 3-4 years when social media use by business professionals becomes more common, then the lack of using these sites/tools might be viewed as a negative.

Most companies are struggling still to figure out how to use the most basic elements of social media for recruiting - forget about using sophisticated tools.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent


Do you have a FREE Copy of our best selling e-book on how to hire and retain top talent?


Learn how your success depends on the quality of the team you build and keep by joining us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group on hiring and retaining top talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 27, 2012 2:14 PM!

Is Your Company Leveraging Employee Social Networks for Talent Acquisition? - Business Insider

Is Your Company Leveraging Employee Social Networks for Talent Acquisition? - Business Insider | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
Is Your Company Leveraging Employee Social Networks for Talent Acquisition?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The author raises an excellent point about leveraging your employee networks for recruiting. Most of your employees have followers, fans, and connections in places like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Are you taking advantage of your employee networks to distribute job opportunities and leverage for referrals?

Do you have a specific plan of action in place or is it a loose approach to sometimes asking for referrals.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent


Do you have a FREE Copy of our best selling e-book on how to hiring and retaining top talent?


Learn how your success depends on the quality of the team you build and keep by joining us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group on hiring and retaining top talent

Andre J. Boulais's curator insight, June 3, 2014 8:05 AM

As the candidate pool changes it's important to leverage as many channels as possible including #socialmedia

Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 8, 2012 12:37 PM!

Social Recruiting: Focus On Engagement Rather Than Promotion

Social Recruiting: Focus On Engagement Rather Than Promotion | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
Social Recruiting: Emphasizes befriending people, building up trust and enthusiasm towards your company – and securing applications from candidates.

Interesting overview of the concept of social recruiting. I think the problem with most social recruiting tactics is that they do not necessarily lead to immediate hires. Nothing is more short-term for most companies that getting a seat filled when it's vacant.

Most companies are struggling to balance how to engage passive candidates before they become active candidates.

If you're not engaging your customers through social media before they become buyers, it's hard to shift the traditional mindset in recruiting from short-term "get a warm body" in that seat to long-term "let's build talent pools of candidates we might hire in the future".

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent Blog

Do you have a FREE Copy of our best selling e-book on how to hiring and retaining top talent?

Learn how your success depends on the quality of the team you build and keep by joining us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group on hiring and retaining top talent

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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from Social Job Search
September 23, 2012 6:53 PM!

Infographic: Developing a Social Recruiting Strategy

Infographic: Developing a Social Recruiting Strategy | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
This handy infographic summarizes some of the key points of the Jobvite Essential Guide to Developing a Social Recruiting Strategy Parts 1, 2 and 3.


Nice list of tactics. Be sure to use your own business 'voice' when engaging through social channels. Candidates expect a conversation, advice, helpful information and not a sales pitch.

In working with thousands of small businesses and entrepreneurial companies, I've discovered that social recruiting could offer the greatest ROI for putting your toe in the water with social media.


Via Perrine Crampton
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 2, 2012 7:08 PM!

What's one exceptional employee worth? A lot — just ask Zuck - VentureBeat

What's one exceptional employee worth? A lot — just ask Zuck - VentureBeat | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
VentureBeatWhat's one exceptional employee worth? A lot — just ask ZuckVentureBeatFacebook's Mark Zuckerberg famously commented that a great engineer is worth a 100 average engineers (something every developer knows deep in their heart).

Good article getting at some of the softer issues of why top talent is attracted to a particular company/role. However, it didn't answer the question of what's one exceptional employee worth? What do you think? - Barry Deutsch

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 2, 2012 7:02 PM!

Top 15 Common Talent Sourcing Mistakes

Top 15 Common Talent Sourcing Mistakes | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
Here are 15 of the most common productivity-robbing and results-reducing mistakes sourcers and recruiters make when searching for talent.

Decent article that lists some of the more common mistakes made by recruiters searching for talent. Having been conducting executive searches for over 25 years, I can attest to the potential for it being a "time suck" if you're not focused, efficient, and productive. - Barry Deutsch

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 2, 2012 6:57 PM!

LinkedIn, Facebook Leveraged for Recruiting in 2012

LinkedIn, Facebook Leveraged for Recruiting in 2012 | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |
RT @WorldatWork: 60% of #HR, #recruiting execs say the next ‘big thing’ in recruiting is social recruiting via @JobScience #HR
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 29, 2012 7:34 PM!

The History of Social Recruiting Technology [INFOGRAPHIC ...

The History of Social Recruiting Technology [INFOGRAPHIC ... | Social Recruiting of Top Talent |

I like the graphic representation of the history of social recruiting. Do you have an active and structured social recruiting process in place? This could be one of the greatest ROIs you'll get from using social media right now. - Barry

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