Being Black Means We Have to be 200% Better – Chanda Prescod-Weinstein – Medium | Box of delight |
Being Black Means We Have to be 200% Better
I realized today after Sam Kriss decided to drag Neil deGrasse Tyson and Wired decided to publish the hit job (no I am not linking to it) that a lot of white scientists I know probably don’t really understand what this means. They thought the article was harsh but failed to notice any of the bleedingly fucking obvious racism. They failed to feel disconcerted about the disparate impact the publication of the article could have either. Folks, how can I take your supposed interest in diversity seriously when the basics pass you by and when you’re not wildly apologetic the moment it gets pointed out to you? (Some were, eventually, so I guess thanks for realizing that being wrong and saying sorry isn’t actually like setting yourself on fire.)