Finding the right school in Luxembourg | #Europe #EDUcation  | Luxembourg (Europe) |

Luxembourg has a huge choice of schooling systems in several languages. Here's a guide to help you navigate education choices

What to consider when choosing a school, and the different English-language education systems in Luxembourg
Photo credit: Shutterstock
It’s compulsory in the Grand Duchy for children to attend school between the ages of 4 years to 16 years, although it is also legal to home-school your child.  

Children are automatically enrolled when you register at your local commune unless you provide a School Certificate showing that they are enrolled at another school or relevant documents verifying that they are home-schooled. 

We’ve put together a list of schools and you can find out more from our articles on taking the home-schooling route, and where you can get more information on the Luxembourgish school system. 


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