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#HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership
Leadership, HR, Human Resources, Recursos Humanos, aptitudes and personal branding.May be you can find in there some spanish links.
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hunting-for-happiness_506b16a3ecc40.png (610x1790 pixels)

hunting-for-happiness_506b16a3ecc40.png (610x1790 pixels) | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Technology Innovation In Business #INFOGRAPHIC  #sm #socialmedia #redessociales

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10 Unforgettable Facts About Human Memory

10 Unforgettable Facts About Human Memory | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Here are 10 facts about human memory that you’ll never forget.

Via Lesley Rodgers, Bobby Dillard, Lynnette Van Dyke, David Hain
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business change

HRM - nice infographic on Talent Managment

HRM - nice infographic on Talent Managment | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
The New Science of Talent Management; how scientific is your approach?

Via HR Trend Institute, David Hain
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Talento y Educación :: Javier Tourón

Talento y Educación :: Javier Tourón | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

En algunos países el desarrollo del talento es una relativa prioridad, para algunos organismos una absoluta prioridad. A nadie se le escapa a estas alturas que el capital humano es el recurso más valioso de cualquier país. Pero si es así, ¿cómo es que en algunos países nos lo tomamos a oficio de inventario?

Hay dos datos que retratan enseguida la situación y actitud de un sistema educativo y social respecto al desarrollo del talento de sus escolares o ciudadanos. Uno, ¿existen medidas de identificación proactivas, periódicas y sistemáticas establecidas para detectar el potencial o capacidades de los escolares?, dos, ¿hay planes o indicadores que permitan suponer que la escuela contempla y tiene en cuenta en su desarrollo curricular las diferencias de capacidad de sus escolares?

Si la respuesta a estas dos preguntas es que no, la ecuación está resuelta. Si se responde que sí a la primera y que no a la segunda, es decir que hay detección del potencial pero no medidas de atención diferenciada, la respuesta sería: ¿entonces para qué se identifica? Si la respuesta a la primera es que no, pero que sí se diferencia, la pregunta es, ¿basándose en qué se produce la diferenciación? En un sistema sensato que realmente se preocupa del óptimo desarrollo de sus ciudadanos -imperativo legal dicho sea de paso- no cabe más que responder que sí a las dos preguntas. Todo lo demás son pamplinas... o mejor dicho, todo lo demás es un eficaz modo de desperdiciar la capacidad de quien la tiene y, en un grado u otro, todos la tienen.

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12 Secrets for Success in Crowdfunding for Social Entrepreneurs - Forbes

12 Secrets for Success in Crowdfunding for Social Entrepreneurs - Forbes | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Nathaniel Houghton, Congo Leadership Initiative This week I’ve polled a variety of people with experience in crowdfunding to identify the secrets for success for social entrepreneurs.  I’ve talked to people who’ve tried to raise money using crowdfunding...
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Is this common employee question killing performance in your organization?

Is this common employee question killing performance in your organization? | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
If there was one question I’d like to hurl into deep space, “What’s in it for me?” would be it. The main reason is that the “What’s in it for me?” question breaks down our hope that we might

accomplish something special together, and allbe better for it.When individuals prioritize their own needs and gains at the expense of others, our sense of relatedness decreases—and both intra-team competition and interpersonal suspicion increase.......

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The Guru's Guide to Creating Thought Leadership

The Guru's Guide to Creating Thought Leadership | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Why people listen when they speak....

This was one of the key questions that Tom Davenport, Larry Prusak, and I set out to answer a decade ago in our book, What's the Big Idea? Creating and Capitalizing on the Best New Management Thinking. Part of our initial response was to rank management gurus according to the measurable influence of their ideas; we were the first researchers to use scholarly methods to do so. We also analyzed the top 50 ranked HBR articles of all time (by reprint sales).

The breadth of article topics was large and the sample of rhetorical styles diverse. Shifting from Drucker's erudition and measured tone to Hammer's revolutionary and provocatively violent declarations ("don't automate, obliterate") was a bit dizzying.....

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120 Proven Ways to Improve Teamwork | Leader's Beacon

120 Proven Ways to Improve Teamwork | Leader's Beacon | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
n my teambuilding workshops, one of the exercises I often do is to ask the participants the following questions, What does good teamwork look like?

and ”What do I need from my co-workers?; What do I need in terms of personal satisfaction?; and What do I need in reference to worthy work in order to make my job more positive, productive and joyful?”Although your team may have different answers, here is a compilation of what my attendees have said over the last 20 years of delivering workshops on building stronger customer and workplace relationships.......

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The brain in numbers, colours and wow

The brain in numbers, colours and wow | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
An amazing picture by Dwayne Godwin and Jorge Cham from PhD Comics. Click for the full size image just published at the Scientific American site. Definitely worth seeing in its hi-res glory.  ...
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Have the Courage to Keep Going and Not Give Up | Empower the Leader in You

Have the Courage to Keep Going and Not Give Up | Empower the Leader in You | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
As a kid, my favorite cartoon was Popeye because he was an ordinary guy who had the courage to do extraordinary things. He drew upon a strong mind and inner strength.
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The 10 Essential Habits of Positive People

The 10 Essential Habits of Positive People | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Are you waiting for life events to turn out the way you want so that you can feel more positive about your life? Do you find yourself having pre-conditions to your sense of well-being, thinking that certain things must happen for you to be happier?...........



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Coaching is learning

What is your perception of Coaching?(Coaching is a valuable resource for Leaders, keeping you focused, highlighting blind spots and helping your grow....)...


Nice short video intro.

Via Adela Iepure, ACC, David Hain
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Networking & Business » Blog Archive » Twenty-one minutes to reinvent yourself

Networking & Business » Blog Archive » Twenty-one minutes to reinvent yourself | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

A recent article(in Spanish) by the Diario de Navarra summarised the El Ser Creativo Express event in Pamplona at the end of October 2012.It was a great pleasure to give one of the six keynotes at that event. Each of them was strictly 21 minutes long. It was a great success.

Some excerpts (translated) of the article:

Carl Honoré: “Slowing down has positive effects as encouraging creativity and improving communication.”Catalina Hoffmann: “Everything is possible. Follow your dream.”Jordi Robert-Ribes: “It’s important to have diversified professional contacts and see through their eyes to get new perspectives.”Josep Amorós: “The European rigidity prevents creativity.”Ignacio Pérez Doslet: “We need to learn from how the USA improves on creativity.”Mario Alonso Puig: “He explained, with scientific rigour, how the creative process start with passion and enthusiasm.”

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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Mundo3.0

12+1 webs para crear un currículum vítae que llame la atención

12+1 webs para crear un currículum vítae que llame la atención | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Con 5 millones de españoles buscando trabajo, el currículum vítae es una de las grandes armas que existen para conseguir empleo.

Via Carmen
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“Felicidad laboral”: cinco claves psicológicas que potencian la motivación

“Felicidad laboral”: cinco claves psicológicas que potencian la motivación | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

La motivación laboral y la motivación en nuestra vida, la felicidad, cada vez se relacionan más. Detrás de cualquier decisión empresarial, detrás de cada comportamiento profesional hay deseos, aspiraciones, pasiones y conflictos humanos relacionados con nuestra felicidad, frustración y formas de funcionamiento cerebral.


Hay principios de actuación, principios psicológicos básicos, que nos pueden ayudar a obtener más motivación, y por qué no, la felicidad de las personas, veamos alguno de ellos. [...]

DIANA YORLENY RUIZ DELGADO's curator insight, October 25, 2013 1:30 PM


Ricardo Ávila M's curator insight, February 9, 2014 12:30 AM

También en lo laboral

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10 Things Julius Caesar could have taught us about business, leadership, marketing

10 Things Julius Caesar could have taught us about business, leadership, marketing | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Here are a few lessons Gaius Julius Caesar might have taught us were he alive today.  He ultimately met a pretty brutal end, but until that point, the guy was so successful that his last name becam...

Via David Hain
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Talento y Educación :: Javier Tourón: National Report on Identification. ¿Y si aprendemos de los demás?

Talento y Educación :: Javier Tourón: National Report on Identification. ¿Y si aprendemos de los demás? | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Rescato y adapto para este post unas ideas de un escrito de hace años, que me parece que tienen plena actualidad.

Se trata del informe National Report on Identificaction: Assessment and Recomendations for Comprehensive Identification of Gifted and Talented Youth presentado por Richert, Alvino y McDonnel en 1982 y que fue llevado a cabo bajo los auspicios del Departamento Federal de Educación (Richert, y cols., 1982; Richert, 1991).

En este informe se realizaba un análisis de la situación de todos los estados (de EE.UU) respecto a la identificación y sus prácticas. Algunas de sus conclusiones y recomendaciones, resumidas también por Davis y Rimm (1994), las recojo a continuación.

El proceso de identificación, según se desprende del citado informe y los trabajos a él referidos, debe estar guiado por cinco principios básicos:
Los intereses de todos los alumnos deben constituirse en guía de todo el proceso (advocacy).

Los procedimientos deben basarse en las mejores evidencias y recomendaciones de la investigación (defensibility).

Deben garantizar el máximo grado de equidad, es decir, que ningún alumno debe quedar al margen de la posibilidad de ser seleccionado para recibir ayudas específicas (p. e. minorías, desaventajados, etc.) (equity).

La definición que se adopte debe ser lo más amplia posible (pluralism).

Debe procurarse que el mayor número de alumnos sean identificados y atendidos (comprehensiveness)......


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Secrets to a Better Prioritized Life

Secrets to a Better Prioritized Life | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Speaking from personal experience, here are 10 tips that our team has put into play that have made a significant difference in improving our work-life balance.The number one thing we hear from all our of clients is that they don’t have enough staff or enough time to get all of the job done. Many leaders have described to us the level of stress they feel because they know they could do so much more if only they had more time or more people. What many leaders do to compensate is take their work home with them and literally work day and night. This isn’t healthy for the manager, the direct reports, or the organization......

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Hiring Wisdom: The Problem With Going With Your Gut Feeling

Hiring Wisdom: The Problem With Going With Your Gut Feeling | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Once you have made a decision about an applicant for some reason (such as the way they filled out the application blank or something you like or don’t like about their resume or appearance or the way they sounded …...
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Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change

Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
These are scary times for managers in big companies. Even before the Internet and globalization, their track record for dealing with major, disruptive change was not good.

Out of hundreds of department stores, for example, only one—Dayton Hudson—became a leader in discount retailing. Not one of the minicomputer companies succeeded in the personal computer business. Medical and business schools are struggling—and failing—to change their curricula fast enough to train the types of doctors and managers their markets need. The list could go on.It’s not that managers in big companies can’t see disruptive changes coming. Usually they can. Nor do they lack resources to confront them. Most big companies have talented managers and specialists, strong product portfolios, first-rate technological know-how, and deep pockets. What managers lack is a habit of thinking about their organization’s capabilities as carefully as they think about individual people’s capabilities.

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Lead With Your Heart, Not Just Your Head

Lead With Your Heart, Not Just Your Head | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Feeling connected emotionally is intrinsically rewarding to the brain.

Via Kudos, David Hain
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The 9 Corporate Personality Types And How to Inspire Them to Innovate - Forbes

The 9 Corporate Personality Types And How to Inspire Them to Innovate - Forbes | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
In a way, innovation is like sex: those talking about it most are probably doing it the least. Before founding IdeaFaktory, I've had the privilege (and collateral hair loss) of innovating at top Fortune 100 firms, where ‘talk’ was unavoidable.
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Infographic: How much time do you waste at work?

Infographic: How much time do you waste at work? | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
time Click on the image to view it at full size.
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Positive futures

A New Pedagogy is Emerging…And Online Learning is a Key ...

A New Pedagogy is Emerging…And Online Learning is a Key ... | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
From the early days of online learning, there has been an emphasis on enabling learners to construct knowledge through questioning, discussion, the analysis of resources from multiple sources, and instructor feedback.

Via Rosanna M, AlGonzalezinfo, Christine Heine, David Hain
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3 Things Every Great Leader Gets Wrong

3 Things Every Great Leader Gets Wrong | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Think you're a great leader? Make sure you aren't guilty of one of these three reality-distorting traits.


Every great leader possesses a degree of what Walter Isaacson (in his biography of Steve Jobs) describes as "an ability to distort reality."


What Isaacson meant is that Jobs forced his will on Apple, often pushing people to create things they never thought possible--a powerful asset in any leader.


But that reality distortion effect works both ways. It also means that every leader, to a greater or lesser degree, distorts the reality around themselves, leading to tensions, inconsistency, and bad decisions.


There are two reasons why leaders who live in a bubble become so dangerous to themselves and those they lead.

Via Belinda MJ.B, Kevin Watson, David Hain
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