Scooped by
Barry Deutsch
onto Social Recruiting of Top Talent March 30, 2013 12:12 PM
In an article published on Feb 4th, Dr. Sullivan, one of the most respected voices in the recruitment world, proclaimed that the cottage industry around sourcing/finding candidates was dead or in the process of dying. The article generated a storm of controversy.
I agree with him - as it relates to common low-level roles where there are an abundance of candidates: engineers, field techs, clerical, customer service reps, accountants, front line sales professionals.
However, when the process of recruiting is at a higher level and the talent pool is small, recruiters must step in and market the position to convince someone to leave their current job. Just having a job opening and selling someone on the job is not recruiting.
The ability to "consult" with hiring managers and candidates on framing the role, overcoming obstacles, and demonstrating trust is a critical component in recruitment success at higher levels.
The real value-add in recruiting is not in finding candidates (although it's an important part of the process) - it's helping the hiring manager and candidate reach a level of confidence they are making the right decision - this is marketing and consultative selling - it's not about hardcore closing and finding.
Barry Deutsch
IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent
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Recruiting is Marketing...Why ?
Very interesting article on sourcing activities
...The real added value of recruitment is to build confidence between hiring manager and the candidates and not sell a job to a candidate. Agree ?